He strikes with his swagger and an eagerness to rebuke convention... Maverick entrepreneur, author, connoisseur, aesthetic glutton, bon vivant… Pavan Malhotra’s creative impulse leaves its imprint on everything he does. He is well known for his several ground breaking firsts & exclusives in all facets of media & entertainment business – satellite channels, music, events, radio, films & publishing.
Continuing with his passion & quest for unique ventures… he conceptualized, authored & co-published another stupendous coffee table book – ‘Elite Collectors of Modern & Contemporary Indian Art’-a the window unto the exclusive world of discerning art collectors and their eclectic collection.He had earlier embarked onto a journey less traversed … ‘Elite Clubs of India’ - an ode to the legacy of Clubs.The book was a tribute to the British precedence to etiquette inculcated in him by his Rai Bahadur Grand Father and also at his school, Barnes, Deolali. His next book on Golf Clubs of India is on the anvil.He has plans to launch a diaspora magazine along with few other luxury magazines to fulfil his irreducible appetite for risk and innovation.
His pioneering vision led to the launch of the first ever Punjabi Channel and as its Co-Founder and Managing Director he created a trend-setting wave leading to the influx of regional channels in the country. Extending his innovative entrepreneurial streak, he conceptualized few other niche channels.
The name Pavan Malhotra was synonymous with music business during his association with HMV. As a music honcho he initiated trends still followed by the industry and introduced many artists of significance. He is one of the pioneers of the pop wave and event management concept in the country and has organized many high profile events like the music festival for Rajiv Gandhi Foundation since its conception. He is credited with mentoring famous artists and event managers and was a prime mover in bringing corporate branding to music and the entertainment industry. He has conceptualized and compiled several commemorative and special albums which have his signature of creative and out-of-the-box thinking.
His indefatigable creative spirit has led him to indulge in special concepts and projects like Rajiv Gandhi's concept - India fit & young titled Bhartiyaam, Jawaharlal Nehru & Indira Gandhi speeches project and a video cassette project titled Nehru - his life & times for Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial fund, Rajiv Gandhi speeches for Rajiv Gandhi foundation, Mahatma Gandhi's speeches project, Voices of Freedom - containing speeches of India's greatest leaders. These concepts provide a fascinating link in the history of our country.
He has interacted closely with all major Indian and international artists and legends and also with Presidents, Prime Ministers and various other dignitaries. Widely travelled member of many institutions, clubs and committees, Malhotra has also regularly been on the panel of judges for various music shows, talent hunts and fashion pageants and has had a regular appearance in the print and visual media.
Malhotra is in the ‘LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS’ for his wedding invitation on audio cassettes. He has been honoured with ‘Chalchitra Award’ for his contribution to the Music Industry and was felicitated with ‘Siropa’ in the Golden Temple by SGPC for launching the first ever Punjabi Channel and has received the NRI Sabha award for his contribution to Punjabiyat.
A halo of regality and panache are part of the personality of this infallible Leo. Born in 1963 at Deolali, a serene Cantt town and Artillery centre in Maharashtra, which has imprints of his illustrious business family, he inherited his profound aesthetic sensibilities from his father Rabindra Malhotra and exemplary integrity of purpose from his mother Swadesh. He is an alumnus of Regiment of Artillery School & Barnes School, Deolali and Mothers International School, Delhi and graduated from the well known Institute of Hotel Management, Pusa, New Delhi.
Exposed to many extra-curricular activities from his childhood, Malhotra has multiplicity of interests which he pursues vigorously. A voracious reader, an avid sportsman and a accomplished singer, he was a fairly successful fashion model and has played cricket till club level. Noted for his near encyclopedic knowledge of films, current affairs and other activities of media domain, he has a penchant for enriching society.
Beneath the aura, the seeming effortlessness, Pavan Malhotra is a tenacious, focused and creative entrepreneur who has defied the naysayers time and again. He has the energy levels and cutting edge zeal to put the impossibles together. His interest in business as well as arts has always been influenced by a fine aesthetic sensibility and a rare delicacy of feeling for the human spirit of creativity and fearlessness. His wife, Bharti and sons Sidhant & Tanishq share all his passions and inspire him in his continuous quest towards discovery of new creative moulds, new forms, new vibrations and new vistas…
Copyright © Pavan Malhotra. All rights reserved.